GSIS专辑精选| 无处不在的定位、室内导航和基于位置的服务(UPENLBS)
为此,《地球空间信息科学学报》(Geo-Spatial Information Science,GSIS)推出了“无处不在的定位、室内导航和基于位置的服务”(Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS))专辑,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室陈亮教授、陈锐志教授以及维也纳技术大学Guenther Retscher教授、武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室柳景斌教授、武汉大学测绘学院潘元进副教授为专辑特邀客座编辑。
Indoor localization for pedestrians with real-time capability using multi-sensor smartphones
Catia Real Ehrlich & Jörg Blankenbach
The localization of persons or objects usually refers to a position determined in a spatial reference system. Outdoors, this is usually accomplished with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
However, the automatic positioning of people in GNSS-free environments, especially inside of buildings (indoors) poses a huge challenge. Indoors, satellite signals are attenuated, shielded or reflected by building components (e.g. walls or ceilings).
For selected applications, the automatic indoor positioning is possible based on different technologies (e.g. WiFi, RFID, or UWB). However, a standard solution is still not available. Many indoor positioning systems are only suitable for specific applications or are deployed under certain conditions, e.g. additional infrastructures or sensor technologies. Smartphones, as popular cost-effective multi-sensor systems, is a promising indoor localization platform for the mass-market and is increasingly coming into focus. Today’s devices are equipped with a variety of sensors that can be used for indoor positioning. In this contribution, an approach to smartphone-based pedestrian indoor localization is presented.
The novelty of this approach refers to a holistic, real-time pedestrian localization inside of buildings based on multisensor smartphones and easy-to-install local positioning systems.
For this purpose, the barometric altitude is estimated in order to derive the floor on which the user is located. The 2D position is determined subsequently using the principle of pedestrian dead reckoning based on user's movements extracted from the smartphone sensors. In order to minimize the strong error accumulation in the localization caused by various sensor errors, additional information is integrated into the position estimation. The building model is used to identify permissible (e.g. rooms, passageways) and impermissible (e.g. walls) building areas for the pedestrian. Several technologies contributing to higher precision and robustness are also included. For the fusion of different linear and non-linear data, an advanced algorithm based on the Sequential Monte Carlo method is presented.
A map-matching algorithm dealing with sparse cellular fingerprint observations
Andrea Dalla Torre, Paolo Gallo, Donatella Gubiani, Chris Marshall, Angelo Montanari, Federico Pittino & Andrea Viel
The widespread availability of mobile communication makes mobile devices a resource for the collection of data about mobile infrastructures and user mobility.
In these contexts, the problem of reconstructing the most likely trajectory of a device on the road network on the basis of the sequence of observed locations (map-matching problem) turns out to be particularly relevant. Different contributions have demonstrated that the reconstruction of the trajectory of a device with good accuracy is technically feasible even when only a sparse set of GNSS positions is available.
In this paper, we face the problem of coping with sparse sequences of cellular fingerprints. Compared to GNSS positions, cellular fingerprints provide coarser spatial information, but they work even when a device is missing GNSS positions or is operating in an energy saving mode.
We devise a new map-matching algorithm, that exploits the well-known Hidden Markov Model and Random Forests to successfully deal with noisy and sparse cellular observations.
The performance of the proposed solution has been tested over a medium-sized Italian city urban environment by varying both the sampling of the observations and the density of the fingerprint map as well as by including some GPS positions into the sequence of fingerprint observations.
A regression model-based method for indoor positioning with compound location fingerprints
Tomofumi Takayama, Takeshi Umezawa, Nobuyoshi Komuro & Noritaka Osawa
This paper proposed and evaluated an estimation method for indoor positioning. The method combines location fingerprinting and dead reckoning differently from the conventional combinations.
It uses compound location fingerprints, which are composed of radio fingerprints at multiple points of time, that is, at multiple positions, and displacements between them estimated by dead reckoning. To avoid errors accumulated from dead reckoning, the method uses short-range dead reckoning.
The method was evaluated using 16 Bluetooth beacons installed in a student room with the dimensions of 11 × 5 m with furniture inside. The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values of the beacons were collected at 30 measuring points, which were points at the intersections on a 1 × 1 m grid with no obstacles.
A compound location fingerprint is composed of RSSI vectors at two points and a displacement vector between them. Random Forests (RF) was used to build regression models to estimate positions from location fingerprints. The root mean square error of position estimation was 0.87 m using 16 Bluetooth beacons.
This error is lower than that received with a single-point baseline model, where a feature vector is composed of only RSSI values at one location. The results suggest that the proposed method is effective for indoor positioning.
Low-complexity online correction and calibration of pedestrian dead reckoning using map matching and GPS
Fabian Hölzke, Johann-P. Wolff, Frank Golatowski & Christian Haubelt
Dead Reckoning is a relative positioning scheme that is used to infer the change of position relative to a point of origin by measuring the traveled distance and orientation change. Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) applies this concept to walking persons.
The method can be used to track someone's movement in a building after a known landmark like the building's entrance is registered.
Here, the movement of a foot and the corresponding direction change is measured and summed up, to infer the current position. Measuring and integrating the corresponding physical parameters, e.g. using inertial sensors, introduces small errors that accumulate quickly into large distance errors. Knowledge of a buildings geography may reduce these errors as it can be used to keep the estimated position from moving through walls and onto likely paths.
In this paper, we use building maps to improve localization based on a single foot-mounted inertial sensor. We describe our localization method using zero velocity updates to accurately compute the length of individual steps and a Madgwick filter to determine the step orientation.
Even though the computation of individual steps is quite accurate, small errors still accumulate in the long term. We show how correction algorithms using likely and unlikely paths can rectify errors intrinsic to pedestrian dead reckoning tasks, such as orientation and displacement drift, and discuss restrictions and disadvantages of these algorithms.
We also present a method of deriving the initial position and orientation from GPS measurements. We verify our PDR correction methods analyzing the corrected and raw trajectories of six participants walking four routes of varying length and complexity through an office building, walking each route three times.
Our quantitative results show an endpoint accuracy improvement of up to 60% when using likely paths and 23% when using unlikely paths. However, both approaches can also decrease accuracy in certain scenarios. We identify those scenarios and offer further ideas for improving Pedestrian Dead Reckoning methods.
Device-free human micro-activity recognition method using WiFi signals
Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness
Human activity tracking plays a vital role in human–computer interaction. Traditional human activity recognition (HAR) methods adopt special devices, such as cameras and sensors, to track both macro- and micro-activities. Recently, wireless signals have been exploited to track human motion and activities in indoor environments without additional equipment.
This study proposes a device-free WiFi-based micro-activity recognition method that leverages the channel state information (CSI) of wireless signals. Different from existed CSI-based microactivity recognition methods, the proposed method extracts both amplitude and phase information from CSI, thereby providing more information and increasing detection accuracy.
The proposed method harnesses an effective signal processing technique to reveal the unique patterns of each activity. We applied a machine learning algorithm to recognize the proposed micro-activities. The proposed method has been evaluated in both line of sight (LOS) and none line of sight (NLOS) scenarios, and the empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with several users.
Floor positioning method indoors with smartphone’s barometer
Min Yu, Feng Xue, Chao Ruan & Hang Guo
This paper presents an indoor floor positioning method with the smartphone’s barometer for the purpose of solving the problem of low availability and high environmental dependence of the traditional floor positioning technology.
First, an initial floor position algorithm with the “entering” detection algorithm has been obtained. Second, the user’s going upstairs or downstairs activities are identified by the characteristics of the air pressure fluctuation. Third, the moving distance in the vertical direction and the floor change during going upstairs or downstairs are estimated to obtain the accurate floor position.
In order to solve the problem of the floor misjudgment from different mobile phone’s barometers, this paper calculates the pressure data from the different cell phones, and effectively reduce the errors of the air pressure estimating the elevation which is caused by the heterogeneity of the mobile phones.
The experiment results show that the average correct rate of the floor identification is more than 85% for three types of the cell phones while reducing environmental dependence and improving availability. Further, this paper compares and analyzes the three common floor location methods – the WLAN Floor Location (WFL) method based on the fingerprint, the Neural Network Floor Location (NFL) methods, and the Magnetic Floor Location (MFL) method with our method.
The experiment results achieve 94.2% correct rate of the floor identification with Huawei mate10 Pro mobile phone.than 85% for three types of the cell phones while reducing environmental dependence and improving availability.
Further, this paper compares and analyzes the three common floor location methods – the WLAN Floor Location (WFL) method based on the fingerprint, the Neural Network Floor Location (NFL) methods, and the Magnetic Floor Location (MFL) method with our method. The experiment results achieve 94.2% correct rate of the floor identification with Huawei mate10 Pro mobile phone.
关于 Geo-spatial Information Science
Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS)是由武汉大学主办的测绘遥感专业英文期刊,主编为中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁教授。2020年9月被SCIE收录。
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